1-2-1 LinkedIn seller training to book more sales calls

In 3 hours you will start booking more sales calls and building new new pipeline for 2025

We calculate all economic indicators and understand feasibility of advertising campaign

We calculate all economic indicators and understand feasibility of advertising campaign


Set up a profile that doesn't put prospects off

Prospects check your profile to see if you are worth speaking with. Together, we will set up a profile that will make prospects want to speak with you.


Find who you want to speak and engage?

We willl set up a lead list and show you how to engage, connect and book calls with propsects

Call Booking Framework

Is you prospecting cadence consistent?

We will give you the LinkedIn call booking framework. The how, when and what to say to a prospect to get them on a call







"Richards unique one to one format meant my team got up an running quickly and are now booking more sales calls "

David Heneghan


Who am I?

I'm Richard and I have been in sales for over 20+ years.

My entire career has been based on enticing propects to speak with me. I've been using LinkedIn since 2012 and booked thousands of new prospect meeting, ensuring my pipeline was where it needed to be to hit target. So I know what works and what doesn't when it comes to LinkedIn. I will show you how to create a simple LinkedIn habit that will keep your pipeline healthy.

The reason I started using LinkedIn is because, like many of you...

- I hated not getting enough meetings...

- I hated not having enough pipeline...

- I hated missing out on commisssion...

If you want to take back control, lets speak!

In just 3 hours...

-You will have a LinkedIn profile that attracts prospects

-You will have built a search list of high value prospects

-You will understand how to connect with prospects

-You will have the sales messenging to entice propsects

-You will have a call booking methodology and process

Within one day you will be booking more quality meetings with high value proppects who want to hear what you have to say!

What clients are saying

"Consistent meetings"

"I invested in LinkedIn Seller Training for my team and we now have a consistent flow of new meetings "

- Liam English

"Highly recommended Training"

"Identifying & engaging prospects was a real challenge, not anymore!"

- Andrew Fox

"Fast, focussed & impactful training"

"The guys were up and running in half a day and building new pipeline almost immediately."

- David Heneghan

"Couldn't do without this training"

"Learning how to use LinkedIn properly has saved me hundreads of hours prospecting"

- Lex Abbott






Click the button below to set up a time to speak

We discuss your industry and who your ideal prospect is

Training Day

Post Training Catch Up

What do you sell?

Who are your trying to sell to?

What is your value proposition?

Optimising you LI profile

Creating search lists

Building connections

Reaching leads & booking meetings

30 minute catch up call, typically a month after training to answer questions you may have

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this training for?

LinkedIn Seller Training is for everybody who is trying to engage with prospects with the intension of getting a meeting. Account managers, BDRs, SDRs...

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What makes this training different?

Typical LinkedIn training is delivered through a series of online self service courses that sellers need to complete over time.

This method is time consuling and reduces the time to value as many sellers lose interest.

The training I offer is delivered over a focussed 3 hour session which ensures sellers are up an running.

Sellers will have an optimised profile that attracts prospects, a saves search list of ideal prospects, understand how to engage with prospects and start booking calls within a single day!

The session is interactive and endeavours to arm sellers with the process to book new sales meetings.

Additionally, sellers have the ability to ask questions and seek further support post training.

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What will I learn?

  • How to optimise your LinkedIn profile

  • How to build authority

  • What posts to share and when

  • Create lead lists for prospecting

  • Prospect engagement process

  • How to make contact with prospects

  • How to ask for a meeting

  • What to share information with prospects

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What is the process

  • We have a call to discuss your industry and the ideal prospect

  • We tailor your LinkedIn profile to attract prospects

  • We search and create an idel prospect list

  • I show you how to engage with prospects

  • I show you how to build your authority so prospects are more likelyto accept your call request

  • We create a posting cadence using third party content

  • I teach you the call booking cadence

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What is the investment?

3 hours of one to one training

€500 ex vat per person

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